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Juegos Deportivos del Caribe Colombiano 2015 MAS -Ajedrez Clasico

Darrera actualització08.05.2015 03:41:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1IMMendoza Rafael4400119ATL2319
2FMPena Alfredo4402464ATL2304
3FMTovio Israel4402049BOL2291
4FMOtero Daniel4402952COR2204
5Castaneda Jorge Luis4420020CES2199
6FMDominguez Ramiro4420055BOL2196
7FMBarros Raul Junior4401140ATL2146
8Lora Joel Fernando4405153BOL2119
9Romero Oriol4405226COR2099
10Romero Martinez Filadelfo4416007SUC2088
11Ruiz Eric Jabib4402804GUA2062
12Gaviria Andres Felipe4418042MAG2027
13CMAndrade Truyol Geiner Jose4431987CES2021
14Valdeblanquez Jeiner Jair4443624GUA2014
15Vasquez Nuremberg Ad4432118CES2002
16Angulo Pimienta Angel Gabriel4429982GUA1998
17Fonseca Orozco Luis Miguel4444191CES1986
18Otero Alvaro Junior4402944COR1942
19Corpus Vanegas Jair Samir4416040SAI1901
20Martinez Arroyo Luis Alberto4415990SUC1871
21Ricciulli Vargas Roberth Elie4429079GUA1843
22Sanchez Lopez Luis Antonio4443608SAI1825
23Vallejo Sixto4438698SAI1808
24Rodriguez Luis Alejandro4403916MAG1991
25Sandoval Jesus Eduardo4454286MAG1685
26Pena Reynaldo4432649MAG1612