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Österreichische Meisterschaften Burschen U14

Last update 26.05.2015 12:09:56, Creator/Last Upload: HR. ERICH GIGERL

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Starting rank

1Morgunov Daniel19632036Wien
2Blohberger Felix19341864Wien
3Leisch Lukas18771886
4Pali Philipp18071916Tir
5Maresic Julian17821761Knt
6Weißensteiner Lukas17390Stmk
7Kozissnik Christian17191859Vbg
8Benesch Julian17060Bgld
9Postlmayer Jakob16681805
10Wadsack Thomas16441784
11Cabala Nathan16231694Wien
12Bankier Maximilian16161582Wien
13Bratko Alexander15950Stmk
14Prato Simon15781649Stmk
15Pellizzari Sebastian15611587Tir
16Wischounig Laurin15450Tir
17Pawlik Noel14961620Knt
18Seidl Leon14050Vbg
19Kipman Felix13090Sbg
20Faderbauer Noah12290