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Österreichische Meisterschaften Mädchen U14

Last update 26.05.2015 11:51:39, Creator/Last Upload: Jugendschach Steiermark

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Starting rank

1Lymysalo Venla1792Stmk
2Konecny Sophie1635Wien
3Mörwald Miriam1381Sbg
4Raith Selina1216Stmk
5Wurzer Miriam1136Tir
6Hadler Hannah1123Stmk
7Amlacher Janine1065Knt
8Haslwanter Celina1049Tir
9Lauda Victoria1025
10Pribozic Sabrina945Vbg
11Felleitner Christina897
12Schmied Eva-Maria891Knt