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Final Campeonato Argentino Sub 18 Absoluto

Last update 05.05.2015 03:22:26, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

Starting rank list of players

4FMDi Giannantonio Nino119261ARG2356Rosario
10Lagar Valentin Alejo133558ARG2217San Nicolas
1Sotelo Noe125512ARG2195Escobar
6Amato Leonel123129ARG2101Tigre
2CMSantillan Leandro136956ARG2085Jujuy
8Leal Jorge102326ARG2049Capital Federal
9Palu Andres119288ARG2037San Luis
3Villca Julian134902ARG2020Salta
5Villegas Franco123153ARG1918Junin
7Escudero Jose Maria130141ARG1707San Luis