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IRT Final Nacional Sub-10 F Absoluto

Last update 05.05.2015 18:25:05, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10Ribero David Felipe4431294BOG1834
5CMLopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN1724
4CMJimenez Joseph4427360BOG1718
6CMChavez Brayan Steven4437993VAL1669
9Mercado Tapias Juan Diego4453263COR1656
3Gomez Rondon Samuel4450620ANT1628
7Ducuara Alape Ronaldo4452500TOL1503
1Velasquez Joan Sebastian4440862CUN1487
2Toro Miguel Angel4450612ANT1434
8Vargas Daniel Fernando4452020CUN1385