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3rd Tagaytay City FIDE Rated Developmental Chess Tournament

Last update 25.04.2015 10:10:56, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4MARIANO Karen05219736PHI176317630w
6DIMAILIG Catherine05220092PHI162216220w
5PASNO Aldrin05220106PHI162216220
10SABATER John Michael05220114PHI150415040
3ABELADO Leonil05220297PHI000
2MATIENZO Ivan Christopher05220289PHI000
7MESA Daniel Jr.05220254PHI000
9PIORES Paul Aldritz05220270PHI000
1PIORES Regnier Noel05220262PHI000
8RODRIGUEZ Jomari05220300PHI000