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III IRT da Consciencia do Xadrez (U2200) FIDE ID 112398

Darrera actualització22.04.2015 06:22:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Panateniense

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Rànquing inicial

1Cadilhac Igor Tokuichi Kikuch2132150BRA2188
2De Moura Sergio Jovelino2116235BRA2147
3Rodrigues Leonardo De Miranda2108658BRA2111
4Pinto Rendrex Lopes2115484BRA2072
5WFMAlboredo Julia2124807BRA2009
6Deus Filho Joaquim De2105128BRA1933
7Pritsopoulos Constantino2177196BRA1932
8Freitas Sergio Da Silva2138646BRA1905
9Ng Paulino2141655BRA1848
10WCMHoshino Karen2137984JPN1777
11Nunes Agatha Hurba2114852BRA1765
12Nobre Jailson Altair2113279BRA1758
13Queiroz Stella Becker2141728BRA1728
14Nunes Adilson2103745BRA1725
15Silva Vinicius Parente2138026BRA1709
16Federzoni Enzo2173301BRA1677
17Da Silva Nelson Gil Alexandre2171848BRA1660
18Dutra Liliam Guedes2136619BRA1623
19Quinteiro Neto Gabriel Moreno2178346BRA1622
20Santos Marcos Correia2166518BRA1531
21Ribeiro Glauber2178354BRA1527
22Alves Sidney David2129302BRA1495
23Brujin Homero2103460BRA1486
24Zmetek Marcos Simao2186195BRA1482
25Sato Claudio Takeshi2168251BRA1473
26Sato Leticia Miho2168260BRA1403
27Kikuchi Cadilhac Mariana Sawa2144433BRA1369
28Hoshino Meilin7001690JPN1361
29Sato Luiz Henrique Yuzo Tokud2168278BRA1240
30Garcia Cesar Rodrigues2188708BRA1145
31de Lima Saulo da Silva Bezerra2183480BRA1800
32Santos Raphael Henrique da Silv2141752BRA1783
33Tieri Andre Baranowski2188716BRA1755
34Carranza Yamid Alberto4404840COL0
35Cerqueira Paulo Victor Rapouso2180030BRA0
36Ferreira Caio Tulio MoreiraBRA0
37Freire Leandro da CostaBRA0
38Giove Matheus FariaBRA0
39Gongora ValmirBRA0
40Itagyba Renan FortesBRA0
41Landshoff RenateBRA0
42Storch Debora LandshoffBRA0