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79th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship

Last update 26.04.2015 13:30:40, Creator/Last Upload: Bulgarian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10GMCheparinov Ivan2905540BUL2680Asenovets 2006
4GMGeorgiev Kiril2900017BUL2596CSKA
3GMChatalbashev Boris2900440BUL2553Abritus
6GMSpasov Vasil2900041BUL2553Maritsa-iztok
5GMRusev Krasimir2905434BUL2544Spartak Pleven XXI
2GMArnaudov G. Petar2907127BUL2465CSKA
8IMDimitrov Radoslav2908549BUL2465Bulmeks
7Dimov Dian2903342BUL2340Maritsa-iztok
9IMMarholev Dimitar2901340BUL2309Lokomotiv, Sofia
1Petrov Martin2911086BUL2270Stolichen tsentar