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X American Continental Classical Championship 2015

Last update 24.05.2015 20:44:47, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

Player overview for ECU

20GMMatamoros Franco Carlos S.2525ECU1½1½1½½11½07,5111013,40Torneo Continental
43IMBarros Rivadeneira Cristhian2335ECU1011010101064620-1,40Torneo Continental

Results of the last round for ECU

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMQuesada Perez Yuniesky2645 1 - 0 GMMatamoros Franco Carlos S.2525
IMBarbosa Evandro Amorim24386 1 - 06 IMBarros Rivadeneira Cristhian2335

Player details for ECU

GM Matamoros Franco Carlos S. 2525 ECU Rp:2588 Pts. 7,5
196WFMChang Suzana2022BRA5w 10,920,08100,80
257El Ters Antouan2208URU6s ½0,87-0,3710-3,70
361FMContreras Henry2193COL5w 10,880,12101,20
437IMPierrot Facundo2377ARG6,5s ½0,70-0,2010-2,00
533FMQuintiliano Pinto Renato R.2411BRA6w 10,660,34103,40
61GMGranda Zuniga Julio E2650PER8s ½0,330,17101,70
77GMKovalyov Anton2613CAN8w ½0,380,12101,20
86GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2613VEN8w 10,380,62106,20
94GMLenderman Aleksandr2636USA7s 10,350,65106,50
103GMBachmann Axel2636PAR7w ½0,350,15101,50
112GMQuesada Perez Yuniesky2645CUB8,5s 00,34-0,3410-3,40
IM Barros Rivadeneira Cristhian 2335 ECU Rp:2320 Pts. 6
1120Guisande Fernando1898URU5s 10,920,08201,60
26GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2613VEN8w 00,17-0,1720-3,40
385CMArias Bouzada Jorge2070URU6s 10,820,18203,60
474Sosa Macho Juan Manuel2137URU4,5w 10,760,24204,80
524GMAlonso Salvador2488ARG8s 00,30-0,3020-6,00
686CMKimelman Gabriel2067URU5w 10,830,17203,40
714GMKaidanov Gregory S2566USA7,5s 00,21-0,2120-4,20
872Lopez Falcon Jorge2138URU6,5w 10,750,25205,00
925GMRodriguez Vila Andres2485URU7s 00,30-0,3020-6,00
1056FMTeixeira Ricardo Da Silva2223BRA6w 10,650,35207,00
1130IMBarbosa Evandro Amorim2438BRA7s 00,36-0,3620-7,20