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Turneul National la sah "Turnul Alb" 2015

Last update 18.04.2015 10:46:48, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

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Ranking crosstable

Rk.Team12345678 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1LT "N.Gogol" m.Chisinau * 34434324,502293
2Gimnazia "St. Curoglo" or.Comrat1 * 34442202042
3LT"M.Eminescu" or.Falesti01 * 3341601488
4LT"M.Eminescu" m. Balti0 * 33415,501429
5LT"Orizont" m.Chisinau1½1 * 3314,501360
6Gimnaziul Costuleni r.Ungheni½0½1½ * 327,50712
7Gimnaziul"Jora de Sus" r.Orhei001111 * 6,50581
8LT "A.Puskin" or.Basarabeasca100012 * 5,50511

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints
Tie Break3: Board Tie-Breaks Of the whole tournament