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Campionatul National de sah al Romaniei pentru copii, juniori, tineret-F18 gr.B

Last update 02.04.2015 18:15:46, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

Starting rank list of players

2WCMCusmuliuc Diana-Elena121910320382038Cs Politehnica Iasi
3WCMStanciu Ioana-Georgiana120229418291829Csm Craiova
6IVarga Adrienn122623117161716Css Odorheiu Secuiesc
5IBracacescu Raluca-Veronica122252017071707Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucuresti
4ICorolea Diana-Gabriela122165516131613Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii
1IAndras Cristina-Maria120813615291529Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii