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Campionatul National de sah al Romaniei pentru copii, juniori, tineret-F18 gr.A

Last update 02.04.2015 18:16:20, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

Starting rank list of players

6WFMCosman Andreea-Marioara121796820742074Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
2WCMCirlig Ioana-Andreea121380618161816Csm Craiova
5WCMCiungan Diana-Alexandra121947217241724Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
3IMoldovan Petruta-Alisia120476917051705Csm Bucuresti
4IArdelean Lorela-Daniela121878616621662Lps Satu Mare
1IToma Andreea-Simona122591014081408Csm Focsani 2007