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Shmuel (Dugo) Fridman Memorial GM 2015

Last update 03.04.2015 01:33:39, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 22)

Starting rank list of players

8GMZubov Alexander14109409UKR2608
1GMDvoirys Semen I.4100379RUS2584
4GMBaron Tal2809958ISR2506
5IMGivon Asaf2801841ISR2473
6IMRaznikov Danny2811154ISR2473
3IMNakar Eylon2811111ISR2465
10IMMesropov Konstantin4116887RUS2420
7FMBen Artzi Ido2810913ISR2408
2WIMEfroimski Marsel2810964ISR2233
9FMKaganskiy Gleb4132025RUS2221