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Campionatul National de sah pentru copii,juniori si tineret-B20-2015 National Youth Championships 2015 - boys U20

Senast uppdaterad06.04.2015 11:02:54, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 50)

Lista över spelare

8FMCostachi Mihnea1217518ROU23612361Cs Universitatea Din Alba Iuli
4NMDoros Radu-Marian1216660ROU23212321Lps Satu Mare
2FMBida Mihai-Eugen1200062ROU23172317Cs Universitatea Craiova
6FMDicu Razvan-Stefan1220217ROU23132313Cs Otopeni
5FMVrencian Lehel1230999ROU21282128Cs Al Cn Aprily Lajos Brasov
7IDobre Mihai1202170ROU20722072Cs Palatul Copiilor Buzau
3INegru Alecsandru-George1224751ROU18721872Clubul De Sah Orizont 64 Brail
1IConstandache Andrei-George1229605ROU17101710Clubul De Sah Diana Galati