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IRT Zonal Sub16 Absoluto Zona Integrada Valle 2015

Last update 01.04.2015 03:11:28, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1CMQuinonez Garcia Santiago4408497VAL2036Palm
2Amado Jhon Esteban4425510VAL1877Tulu
3Calero Hector Andres4430930VAL1860Jamu
4Murgueitio Juan Camilo4430980VAL1818Cali
5Zuleta Juan Carlos4416317VAL1867Cali
6Oliveros Camilo4449576VAL1709Yumb
7Rodriguez Gutierrez Anderson4450906VAL1698Yumb
8Mondragon Harold Andres4422660VAL1676Jamu
9Zapata Puerta Jeison Ivan4457633VAL1665Cali
10Muelas Ceballos Jhon Stiven4456637CAU1587Cauc
11Amado Andres Felipe4430735VAL1471Tulu
12Marin Arley4441222RIS1465Rest
13Gutierrez Castro Juan Camilo4446534VAL1398Tulu
14Arroyave Jhon alejandro4459938VAL0Rest
15Montes Cristian Alcides4459946VAL0Rest