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May Lviv Tradition (IM-group)

Last update 02.06.2015 20:37:35, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

8IMShkuran Daniil14106248UKR2386
12IMAnwesh Upadhyaya5028949IND2373
6WFMOsmak Iulija14101602UKR2368
4IMGrekh Andrey14112418UKR2341
10Nayhebaver Martin14923432SVK2317
3FMShevchenko Kirill14129574UKR2306
9IMSevostianov Pavel4156781RUS2263
1Punin Andrii14112639UKR2246
5WGMKryvoruchko Vita14108917UKR2213
2Koziol Kamil1161555POL2207
7WFMIvanenko Olga I.14121093UKR2182
11CMBunyatov Rustam13410210AZE2104