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Wiener-Jugendlandesmeisterschaft U10

Last update 17.04.2004 22:59:47, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameRtgClub/CityPts. TB1 
13Krivda Manuela1302Sk Wien-Ottakring628,50
27Duan Felix0628,00
32Strantz Joerg1347Raiba Gols4,529,50
412Kramer Georg0Polyglott Wien4,527,50
54Koenig Christoph1218Polyglott Wien428,50
65Schiel Florian1200Sk Wien-Ottakring423,50
713Krpo Adnan0418,50
81Bauer Valentina1357Raiba Gols3,530,50
914Ohswald Felix0Polyglott Wien3,523,00
109Heith Matthias03,519,00
116Schneck Renate1200Raiba Gols326,50
1211Hurt Robert0323,50
1316Schamberger Katja02,526,00
1415Rajendran Siddharth0223,50
1510Hong Henry0222,50
168Heissenberger Michael0Floridsdorf06,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (all Results)