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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 16 Open

Last update 10.04.2015 17:44:28, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank

1Kolver Chris14307820RSA1931
2Gopaulsingh Shivar14316153RSA1870
3CMKlevansky Aron14313332RSA1832
4Wagner Gerald14311704RSA1802
5Marais Franco14304880RSA1782
6CMModi Sachin14304589RSA1759
7Agulhas Keegan14309580RSA1716
8Deyzel Walt14312271RSA1715
9Marais Daniel14309440RSA1688
10Roos Lucas14308673RSA1682
11Forster James Connor Christop14309343RSA1679
12Grimmbacher Andrew14313227RSA1639
13Lynch Justin14310120RSA1635
14Van Zyl-Rudd Jack14309017RSA1632
15Minifie Joshua14310279RSA1611
16Hattingh Krishna14321106RSA1590
17Spirou Victor14306441RSA1566
18Prinsloo Marthinus14318563RSA1563
19Noubouth Yadhav14321122RSA1509
20Smith David14321130RSA1472
21Hansen Marcques14318520RSA1459
22Balmakhun Yashkar14313391RSA1457
23Masiya Mfundo14321114RSA1451
24Moodley Tarendra14318555RSA1432
25Bucceri Draven14320738RSA1412
26Botes Ettienne14313340RSA1410
27Beukman Eduan14321092RSA1388
28Springbok Jason14321149RSA1292