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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 14 Open

Last update 10.04.2015 17:39:49, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank list

1CMMowzer Mohammed-Taariq14317958RSA1640
2Chetty Cailin14314126RSA1588
3Baskir Zach14309645RSA1579
4Khumalo Keith14319470RSA1557
5Richter Jan-Michael14316854RSA1520
6Chetty Mayilan14311410RSA1508
7Reddy Ananta14310902RSA1505
8Van Der Westhuizen Donald14321084RSA1483
9WFMOberholzer Imarie14306506RSA1476
10Fibiger Jethro Nathanael14312930RSA1473
11Mazibuko Khanya14321041RSA1470
12Wessels Adri14318040RSA1410
13FMVarden Trevelyn14306913RSA1376
14Fourie Louhan14306450RSA1364
15Joule Ethan14318679RSA1344
16Samuels Ethan14321068RSA1332
17Dykema Dirkho14316544RSA1330
18Romans Keegan14321050RSA1316
19Danisa Anele14321025RSA1260
20Saunders Matthew14321076RSA1239
21Marais Dawid Jacobus14313286RSA1211
22Fu Michael14321033RSA1204
23Millard Chad14318687RSA1125
24Blows Kian14321017RSA1039