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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 12 Open

Last update 10.04.2015 17:18:59, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank list

1Essa Naseem AhmedRSA1667
2CMAdams Seth-RileyRSA1601
3FMMalan JacquesRSA1431
4Govender Eli-JordanRSA1426
5Nathan Samuel AlexRSA1378
6CMSchoeman EwaldRSA1346
7CMSchnabel JohannRSA1323
8Nhamuave EleazarRSA1298
9Fihla LonwaboRSA1290
10Pather SachenRSA1226
11Claassen Jean-DanielRSA1220
12Katz SashaRSA1220
13Thakersee RishayRSA1220
14Fitton RubenRSA1209
15Hyman DanielRSA1208
16Bedesi TahilRSA1192
17Mavuso NjabuloRSA1191
18Posholi KamoheloRSA1189
19Ferreira RonanRSA1161
20Dheda KhelanRSA1147
21Nhlapo XolaniRSA1140
22Nayagar VeshaanRSA1081
23Steyn RoanRSA1081
24Dinham JamesRSA1071