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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 8 Open

Last update 10.04.2015 16:49:12, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank

1Chinthala JaswinRSA1079
2Palmer ReeganRSA1054
3Vather ShayurRSA1048
4Thakersee AkshayRSA1041
5Van Der Westhuizen FrederikRSA1040
6Van Schaik MigaelRSA1024
7Kotze ChristiaanRSA993
8Wolfaard StephanRSA983
9Hargreaves MatthewRSA891
10Koning LehanRSA890
11Pringle LiamRSA887
12Bester EthanRSA837
13Du Toit PetrusRSA837
14Lagardien IsmaeelRSA817
15Naidoo KamranRSA791
16Neves TremayneRSA785
17Tennant JasonRSA765
18Peter NeathanRSA758
19Van Schalkwyk Jan-MaartenRSA754
20Keun AndruRSA741
21Scheffer LourensRSA734
22Van Straaten MatthysRSA694