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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 12 Girls

Last update 10.04.2015 17:16:19, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank

1WCMModi SoniaRSA1466
2WCMSchmidt NadiaRSA1374
3Shaw Laurie AnnRSA1287
4Moodley KarmishtaRSA1278
5Putter NicolaRSA1278
6WFMGardiner NoaRSA1203
7Moodley SanthamRSA1188
8Goncalves Dias A'mikaRSA1146
9Bester CarlaRSA1132
10Booysen TinekeRSA1123
11Brugman IlseRSA1118
12Brugman KarlaRSA1116
13Hartley CharneRSA1100
14Jonker KeolaRSA1099
15Mbewana PortiaRSA1083
16Claassen AnkeRSA1078
17Naidoo PriyashaRSA1072
18Qangule LithithaRSA1043
19Meyer ChloeRSA1024
20Du Preez SuneRSA987
21Bouwer DaneRSA982
22Visser NadineRSA973
23Van De Pypekamp SimoneRSA885
24Gopaulsingh ShreyaRSA855
25Archer TamrynRSA807
26Grove MoniqueRSA652
27Woest MeganRSA641