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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2015 Under 8 Girls

Last update 10.04.2015 16:45:37, Creator/Last Upload: Ronald King

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Starting rank list

1Claassen CarliRSA847
2Govender TaliaRSA816
3Bruintjies HaileyRSA778
4Du Plessis ElneRSA772
5Fitton NitaRSA770
6Ahjum KristenRSA760
7Van Der Westhuizen AnnemarieRSA706
8Beetge WilnaRSA696
9Smit MikaylaRSA683
10Saunderson AneRSA591
11De Villiers AnnemieRSA582
12De Villiers DanielleRSA540
13Ellis CatherineRSA537
14Van Der Walt LizeRSA394
15Motani SofiaRSA392
16Ferris MackaylaRSA326