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Hong Kong Chess Championship 2015 Finals

Last update 24.06.2015 17:30:48, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

10Luk Luen Wah6000045HKG2095
9Tsang Hon Ki6000185HKG2072
8Pardino Muniz Alberto2229560HKG2070
7Chong Chor Yuen6000320HKG2034
5Wong Brian6001394HKG1952
2Lai Robin6000436HKG1908
4Borigas Edwin6000398HKG1873
12Chan Chak Man6001300HKG1864
11Masters Christopher6000681HKG1854
3Parrott Laurence427365HKG1835
1Wong Joseph Chun-him6002811HKG1834
6Oh Benjamin6001440HKG1678