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Aeroflot Open 2015 A

Last update 04.04.2015 21:01:27, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for UKR

6GMKorobov Anton2694UKR1½½1½01½½5,510Open A
38IMBogdanovich Stanislav2581UKR½½10100½½450Open A
70Korobkov Piotr2423UKR½00½00½1½367Open A

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9425GMSethuraman S.P.26235 ½ - ½5 GMKorobov Anton26946
92438IMBogdanovich Stanislav2581 ½ - ½ Asgarizadeh Ahmad241271
93366IMTran Tuan Minh2455 ½ - ½ Korobkov Piotr242370

Player details for UKR

GM Korobov Anton 2694 UKR Rp:2698 Pts. 5,5
142GMEsen Baris2571TUR4,5s 1
229GMKhalifman Alexander2613RUS5w ½
324GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2625IND5s ½
430GMPonkratov Pavel2613RUS4w 1
521GMKhairullin Ildar2630RUS6s ½
618GMAdhiban B.2646IND5,5w 0
734GMShimanov Aleksandr2594RUS4,5s 1
817GMKhismatullin Denis2650RUS6w ½
925GMSethuraman S.P.2623IND5,5s ½
IM Bogdanovich Stanislav 2581 UKR Rp:2552 Pts. 4
12GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7w ½
24GMVallejo Pons Francisco2708ESP5s ½
362IMSanal Vahap2487TUR5w 1
43GMRapport Richard2709HUN4s 0
569IMKovalevskaya Ekaterina2438RUS4w 1
614GMMamedov Rauf2658AZE5s 0
71GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2756AZE5w 0
864GMVishnu Prasanna. V2477IND3,5s ½
971Asgarizadeh Ahmad2412IRI4w ½
Korobkov Piotr 2423 UKR Rp:2348 Pts. 3
134GMShimanov Aleksandr2594RUS4,5w ½
232GMSalem A.R. Saleh2603UAE6s 0
351GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2553ARM5w 0
427GMTregubov Pavel V.2617RUS2,5s ½
547GMKotronias Vasilios2565GRE3s 0
665IMKuderinov Kirill2465KAZ4w 0
763GMAnkit R. Rajpara2477IND3w ½
8-bye- --- 1
966IMTran Tuan Minh2455VIE3s ½