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Aeroflot Open 2015 A

Last update 04.04.2015 21:01:27, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for NED

36GMBok Benjamin2587NED1½0½01½104,535Open A
53GMErnst Sipke2530NED½½½01½000361Open A
61IMVan Foreest Jorden2493NED11½1½0½0½527Open A

Results of the last round for NED

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9117GMMatlakov Maxim2693 1 - 0 GMBok Benjamin258736
91561IMVan Foreest Jorden2493 ½ - ½ GMMotylev Alexander265316
93254Predke Alexandr2530 1 - 03 GMErnst Sipke253053

Player details for NED

GM Bok Benjamin 2587 NED Rp:2572 Pts. 4,5
172WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2379KAZ2,5s 1
213GMKovalenko Igor2661LAT4w ½
315GMZvjaginsev Vadim2658RUS5,5s 0
464GMVishnu Prasanna. V2477IND3,5w ½
540GMGrigoriants Sergey2573RUS5,5s 0
658GMGundavaa Bayarsaikhan2505MGL4w 1
760GMIdani Pouya2496IRI5,5s ½
85GMInarkiev Ernesto2706RUS3,5w 1
97GMMatlakov Maxim2693RUS5,5s 0
GM Ernst Sipke 2530 NED Rp:2488 Pts. 3
117GMKhismatullin Denis2650RUS6s ½
233GMGoganov Aleksey2598RUS5w ½
331GMPotkin Vladimir2605RUS5s ½
411GMPetrosian Tigran L.2671ARM4,5w 0
544GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR4s 1
630GMPonkratov Pavel2613RUS4w ½
725GMSethuraman S.P.2623IND5,5s 0
813GMKovalenko Igor2661LAT4w 0
954Predke Alexandr2530RUS3,5s 0
IM Van Foreest Jorden 2493 NED Rp:2645 Pts. 5
125GMSethuraman S.P.2623IND5,5s 1
219GMKobalia Mikhail2632RUS4,5w 1
321GMKhairullin Ildar2630RUS6w ½
423GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2627ESP2,5- 1K
58GMSasikiran Krishnan2682IND5s ½
62GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7s 0
715GMZvjaginsev Vadim2658RUS5,5w ½
843GMLu Shanglei2570CHN6s 0
916GMMotylev Alexander2653RUS5w ½