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Aeroflot Open 2015 A

Last update 04.04.2015 21:01:27, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for KAZ

41GMJumabayev Rinat2572KAZ0½0111½1165Open A
65IMKuderinov Kirill2465KAZ000½½1½½1446Open A
72WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2379KAZ0½0½½½00½2,568Open A

Results of the last round for KAZ

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
958GMSasikiran Krishnan26825 0 - 15 GMJumabayev Rinat257241
92965IMKuderinov Kirill24653 1 - 03 GMSandipan Chanda256945
93427GMTregubov Pavel V.26172 ½ - ½2 WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya237972

Player details for KAZ

GM Jumabayev Rinat 2572 KAZ Rp:2721 Pts. 6
15GMInarkiev Ernesto2706RUS3,5s 0
259GMBatchuluun Tsegmed2499MGL3w ½
364GMVishnu Prasanna. V2477IND3,5s 0
456GMAl-Sayed Mohammed2511QAT0,5s 1
549GMCan Emre2555TUR3,5w 1
624GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2625IND5w 1
79GMFedoseev Vladimir2674RUS5,5s ½
819GMKobalia Mikhail2632RUS4,5w 1
98GMSasikiran Krishnan2682IND5s 1
IM Kuderinov Kirill 2465 KAZ Rp:2494 Pts. 4
129GMKhalifman Alexander2613RUS5s 0
242GMEsen Baris2571TUR4,5w 0
37GMMatlakov Maxim2693RUS5,5s 0
472WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2379KAZ2,5s ½
566IMTran Tuan Minh2455VIE3w ½
670Korobkov Piotr2423UKR3s 1
746GMStupak Kirill2567BLR3,5w ½
847GMKotronias Vasilios2565GRE3s ½
945GMSandipan Chanda2569IND3w 1
WGM Abdumalik Zhansaya 2379 KAZ Rp:2372 Pts. 2,5
136GMBok Benjamin2587NED4,5w 0
251GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2553ARM5s ½
352IMWagner Dennis2549GER4,5s 0
465IMKuderinov Kirill2465KAZ4w ½
563GMAnkit R. Rajpara2477IND3s ½
654Predke Alexandr2530RUS3,5w ½
758GMGundavaa Bayarsaikhan2505MGL4s 0
849GMCan Emre2555TUR3,5w 0
927GMTregubov Pavel V.2617RUS2,5s ½