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Aeroflot Open 2015 A

Last update 04.04.2015 21:01:27, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for IND

8GMSasikiran Krishnan2682IND111½½0100529Open A
18GMAdhiban B.2646IND1½½1½10½½5,513Open A
24GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2625IND1½½0½011½530Open A
25GMSethuraman S.P.2623IND011½0½11½5,516Open A
45GMSandipan Chanda2569IND001½00½10365Open A
63GMAnkit R. Rajpara2477IND½0½0½0½01364Open A
64GMVishnu Prasanna. V2477IND½01½0½½½03,554Open A
68IMSwayams Mishra2440IND½½10½½001449Open A

Results of the last round for IND

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9425GMSethuraman S.P.26235 ½ - ½5 GMKorobov Anton26946
958GMSasikiran Krishnan26825 0 - 15 GMJumabayev Rinat257241
9818GMAdhiban B.26465 ½ - ½5 GMZvjaginsev Vadim265815
91624GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2625 ½ - ½ GMGabuzyan Hovhannes255351
92642GMEsen Baris2571 1 - 0 GMVishnu Prasanna. V247764
92965IMKuderinov Kirill24653 1 - 03 GMSandipan Chanda256945
93168IMSwayams Mishra24403 1 - 03 GMKotronias Vasilios256547
93563GMAnkit R. Rajpara24772 1 bye 

Player details for IND

GM Sasikiran Krishnan 2682 IND Rp:2648 Pts. 5
144GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR4s 1
231GMPotkin Vladimir2605RUS5w 1
330GMPonkratov Pavel2613RUS4s 1
413GMKovalenko Igor2661LAT4w ½
561IMVan Foreest Jorden2493NED5w ½
622GMDubov Daniil2627RUS7s 0
735GMSvetushkin Dmitry2592MDA4w 1
82GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7s 0
941GMJumabayev Rinat2572KAZ6w 0
GM Adhiban B. 2646 IND Rp:2688 Pts. 5,5
154Predke Alexandr2530RUS3,5s 1
235GMSvetushkin Dmitry2592MDA4w ½
32GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7w ½
468IMSwayams Mishra2440IND4s 1
543GMLu Shanglei2570CHN6w ½
66GMKorobov Anton2694UKR5,5s 1
726GMBukavshin Ivan2618RUS6,5w 0
814GMMamedov Rauf2658AZE5s ½
915GMZvjaginsev Vadim2658RUS5,5w ½
GM Vidit Santosh Gujrathi 2625 IND Rp:2629 Pts. 5
160GMIdani Pouya2496IRI5,5s 1
29GMFedoseev Vladimir2674RUS5,5w ½
36GMKorobov Anton2694UKR5,5w ½
42GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7s 0
550GMMozharov Mikhail2555RUS4,5w ½
641GMJumabayev Rinat2572KAZ6s 0
768IMSwayams Mishra2440IND4w 1
839IMBluebaum Matthias2576GER4s 1
951GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2553ARM5w ½
GM Sethuraman S.P. 2623 IND Rp:2669 Pts. 5,5
161IMVan Foreest Jorden2493NED5w 0
257IMSvane Rasmus2509GER4,5s 1
349GMCan Emre2555TUR3,5w 1
44GMVallejo Pons Francisco2708ESP5s ½
53GMRapport Richard2709HUN4w 0
650GMMozharov Mikhail2555RUS4,5s ½
753GMErnst Sipke2530NED3w 1
852IMWagner Dennis2549GER4,5s 1
96GMKorobov Anton2694UKR5,5w ½
GM Sandipan Chanda 2569 IND Rp:2376 Pts. 3
19GMFedoseev Vladimir2674RUS5,5s 0
260GMIdani Pouya2496IRI5,5w 0
367FMTabatabaei M.Amin2448IRI3,5s 1
459GMBatchuluun Tsegmed2499MGL3w ½
533GMGoganov Aleksey2598RUS5s 0
671Asgarizadeh Ahmad2412IRI4w 0
769IMKovalevskaya Ekaterina2438RUS4s ½
863GMAnkit R. Rajpara2477IND3w 1
965IMKuderinov Kirill2465KAZ4s 0
GM Ankit R. Rajpara 2477 IND Rp:2349 Pts. 3
127GMTregubov Pavel V.2617RUS2,5s ½
217GMKhismatullin Denis2650RUS6w 0
348GMOparin Grigoriy2562RUS5s ½
446GMStupak Kirill2567BLR3,5s 0
572WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2379KAZ2,5w ½
644GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR4w 0
770Korobkov Piotr2423UKR3s ½
845GMSandipan Chanda2569IND3s 0
9-bye- --- 1
GM Vishnu Prasanna. V 2477 IND Rp:2504 Pts. 3,5
128GMAnton Guijarro David2614ESP6w ½
234GMShimanov Aleksandr2594RUS4,5s 0
341GMJumabayev Rinat2572KAZ6w 1
436GMBok Benjamin2587NED4,5s ½
532GMSalem A.R. Saleh2603UAE6w 0
647GMKotronias Vasilios2565GRE3s ½
744GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR4s ½
838IMBogdanovich Stanislav2581UKR4w ½
942GMEsen Baris2571TUR4,5s 0
IM Swayams Mishra 2440 IND Rp:2562 Pts. 4
132GMSalem A.R. Saleh2603UAE6w ½
228GMAnton Guijarro David2614ESP6s ½
327GMTregubov Pavel V.2617RUS2,5w 1
418GMAdhiban B.2646IND5,5w 0
530GMPonkratov Pavel2613RUS4s ½
633GMGoganov Aleksey2598RUS5w ½
724GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2625IND5s 0
848GMOparin Grigoriy2562RUS5s 0
947GMKotronias Vasilios2565GRE3w 1