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2015 ACT Championship

Last update 09.03.2015 08:44:46, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Reading Jeremy3206190AUS1960
2Braguine Victor3217779AUS1918
3Chibnall Alana3208613AUS1898
4Press Harry3215539AUS1898
5De Noskowski Adrian3207846AUS1851
6Jain Kamal5088240IND1851
7Hathiramani Dillon3215474AUS1791
8Butler Brian J3225011AUS1790
9Satrapa James3209903AUS1775
10Pearce Tim3217833AUS1706
11CMEgan Bill3207870AUS1692
12Johnston Thomas3226859AUS1691
13Radisich Matt3213978AUS1604
14Dunn Paul3213900AUS1586
15Keinan ShayAUS1467
16Badrinarayan Sankeertan3219704AUS1334
17Lee Joshua3223639AUS1191
18Yuan Ziqi3217094AUS1185
19Cunningham Cam3215466AUS1124
20Teymant Roy3215555AUS1087
21Danaswara Indis3216802AUS1061
22Winkelman Albert3219941AUS973
23Gianquitto Benjamin3223566AUS927
24Badrinarayan Siddhant3219712AUS894
25Bruer Matthew3223523AUS833
26Archer Saffron3225917AUS649
27Woo Benjamin3217850AUS647
28Fraser Alexander3225020AUS493
29Kong Dexuan3226034AUS306
30Diao Yizhen3225968AUS305
31Jones Alexander3223604AUS239
32Ho Lachlan3226000AUS194
33Tsiokantis CostaAUS100
34Mathur NeeteshAUS0