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Zonal CBX - RN 2015

Posledná aktualizácia 30.03.2015 14:29:22, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

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Štartová listina

1FMAndrade Roberto Luiz Costa2101521BRA2206
2Silveira Filho Neri Da Silva2106493BRA2171
3FMMacedo Maximo Valerio2102307BRA2105
4Souza Marcos Valerio A.2104156BRA2101
5Pinto Rafael Henrique2106531BRA2054
6Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951BRA2035
7Azevedo Alcides Alexandre A.2106515BRA2022
8Pinheiro Davi Sales2125153BRA2008
9Xavier Lucca Lucas2124661BRA2007
10Lima Alan Silva De2116197BRA1950
11Quaranta Neto Francisco2142015BRA1946
12Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De2135817BRA1944
13Gomes Jose Murilo2159767BRA1879
14Macedo Alexandre Soares De2103451BRA1869
15Oliveira Jr Antonio Fernandes2115581BRA1840
16Dantas David Luan De Barros2133903BRA1824
17Silva Carolina Alves2123940BRA1814
18Frankental David2175061BRA1769
19Batista Francisco Klemberg M.2146037BRA1746
20Da Silva Filho Ibernon Luiz2133911BRA1701
21De Araujo Antonio Jose2146223BRA1680
22Almeida Elon Mafra De Carvalh2124629BRA1656
23Do Nascimento Denner Leonardo2161192BRA1465
24Borges Caique FerreiraRN0
25Viana Helio Fernandes2162636BRA0
26De Oliveira Lucas Matheus A F DRN0