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5th HDBank Cup International Open Chess tournament 2015

Last update 22.03.2015 07:18:58, Creator/Last Upload: Vietnamchess

Player overview for CHN

1GMLi Chao2721CHN1½11111006,5310-4,30
53Li Xueyi2190CHN01½01101½5382036,20
55WIMZhou Guijue2175CHN½00½½101½45120-14,40

Results of the last round for CHN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMGomez John Paul2524 1 - 0 GMLi Chao2721
Li Xueyi2190 ½ - ½ IMNolte Rolando2394
WIMZhou Guijue2175 ½ - ½ WGMPham Le Thao Nguyen2338

Player details for CHN

GM Li Chao 2721 CHN Rp:2649 Pts. 6,5
141Htay Min Lwin2286MYA3w 10,890,11101,10
223IMDimakiling Oliver2400PHI5,5s ½0,87-0,3710-3,70
324IMNolte Rolando2394PHI5w 10,870,13101,30
436FMPitra Andika2310INA5w 10,890,11101,10
511GMDao Thien Hai2482VIE5,5s 10,800,20102,00
62GMLe Quang Liem2676VIE7,5s 10,560,44104,40
73GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2659VIE6,5w 10,590,41104,10
85GMZhang Zhong2614SGP7w 00,65-0,6510-6,50
97GMGomez John Paul2524PHI6,5s 00,75-0,7510-7,50
Li Xueyi 2190 CHN Rp:2341 Pts. 5
113IMDiu Viacheslav2457RUS4s 00,18-0,1820-3,60
275Kebbedies Frank1842GER2,5w 10,890,11202,20
327IMWynn Zaw Htun2382MYA5s ½0,250,25205,00
435Vo Thanh Ninh2311VIE5,5w 00,34-0,3420-6,80
542Tran Manh Tien2266VIE5s 10,400,602012,00
637WGMHoang Thi Bao Tram2303VIE4w 10,350,652013,00
726IMYap Kim Steven2389PHI5,5s 00,24-0,2420-4,80
832WGMPham Le Thao Nguyen2338VIE4s 10,300,702014,00
924IMNolte Rolando2394PHI5w ½0,240,26205,20
WIM Zhou Guijue 2175 CHN Rp:2103 Pts. 4
115WGMPadmini Rout2454IND5,5s ½0,160,34206,80
225FMLe Tuan Minh2393VIE5,5w 00,22-0,2220-4,40
342Tran Manh Tien2266VIE5s 00,38-0,3820-7,60
478FMLe Minh Tu1810VIE3,5w ½0,89-0,3920-7,80
574Nguyen Huynh Tuan Hai1881VIE4,5s ½0,85-0,3520-7,00
672WFMNguyen Tran Ngoc Thuy1887VIE4w 10,840,16203,20
743IMTu Hoang Thai2249VIE4w 00,40-0,4020-8,00
866Cho Seongho2036KOR2,5s 10,690,31206,20
932WGMPham Le Thao Nguyen2338VIE4w ½0,280,22204,40