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Open IRT Distrital Sub 10

Last update 18.02.2015 20:49:00, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Ribero David Felipe4431294BOG1960
2Hincapie Uribe Eduardo4430557BOG1810
3CMJimenez Joseph4427360BOG1675
4Vanegas Mateo De Jesus4448979BOG1498
5Gaona Ballesteros Andres4453298BOG1398
6Solano Dominguez Sergio Andre4454600BOG1331
7Fajardo Moreno Juliana Maria4453212BOG1321
8Vargas Castaneda Giovanni4456734BOG1300
9Perez Santiago4458540BOG1244
10Cubillos Juliana4458443BOG1217
11Botero Felipe4458559BOG0
12Forero Barrera Gabriel4458567BOG0
13Lemus Nicolas4458575BOG0
14Ovalle Samuel4458583BOG0
15Real Vega Carolhina4458591BOG0
16Reyes Daniel4458605BOG0
17Reyes Julian4458613BOG0
18Robayo Juanita4458460BOG0