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The championship of the Tambov region on a chess among men of 2015

Last update 15.02.2015 17:34:18, Creator/Last Upload: Trjufilkina Elena

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Starting rank

1FMUryupin Igor41825292242
2Fedotov Sergey A.41667792134
3WIMLomakina Galja41247152114
4Ushakov Aleksander341792132054
5Sychev Vitaly241336632026
6Agapov Yury N.241864811977
7Dikov Alexander I.341009941976
8Skomorokhov Kirill241780801952
9Suvorov Alexander241354451940
10Shvadchenko Grigory F.341424841912
11Rozov Sergey A.341859221791
12Gorshechnikov Andrey V.341424761773
13Gorelov Viktor N.341859141747
14Astafurov Arseniy241752181741
15Pishchalnikov Roman A.441349911551
16Abramov Viktor V.441508060
17Bocharov Egor R.541382300
18Deryabin Evgeniy A.441539370
19Dubovitskiy Sergey O541367090
20Dvoryashin Ilya A.441342400
21Fedorenko Aleksandr N.441350410
22Galkin Vyacheslav I.441349670
23Gurov Ivan S.441342070
24Kobyakov Sergey I.441342580
25Kurapov Mikhail441279440
26Mamontov Nikolay F.541382480
27Matveev Mikhail S.541382210
28Mishin Anatoliy V.441539530
29Neronov Vladislav N.441349750
30Nevzorov Nikolay G.441342820
31Pakhomov Artyom M.541382560
32Pchelin Vladislav N.441508220
33Pikkio Polina F.541343660
34Polenkov Vladimir V.441350170
35Polyakov Viktor A.541382640
36Rudakov Anatoliy P.441350250
37Ryzhkov Evgeny341437230
38Samorodin Aleksandr V.441342740
39Sitnikov Aleksey S.541382720
40Tulupov Viktor A.441508300