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Open IRT Distritales Sub 12

Last update 08.02.2015 23:41:47, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Ribero David Felipe4431294BOG1960
2Murillo Oscar4445058BOG1877
3Cotes Ontibon Juan Sebastian4427920BOG1848
4Hincapie Uribe Eduardo4430557BOG1810
5CMJimenez Joseph4427360BOG1675
6Franco Juan Manuel4432940RIS1638
7Gomez Leon Sebastian4436008BOG1603
8Lopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN1584
9Vanegas Mateo De Jesus4448979BOG1531
10Sarmiento Erika Daniela4439007CUN1514
11Largo Sofia Alejandra4440803BOY1463
12Gaona Ballesteros Andres4453298BOG1401
13Cubillos Juliana4458443BOG1217
14Macias Chavarro Manuela4458451BOG0
15Robayo Rodriguez Juanita4458460BOG0