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Tamil Nadu State Team 22nd FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2015

Last update 09.02.2015 07:55:11, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
11ICF Chennai7700142545271
24Velammal B7601122134366
48PSNA College ET75111118,527159
52Golden Knights CA Madurai75021019314,369
612Shakthi CA Chennai75021019278,359
718Viluppuram DCA A74211017,5236,860
813T Nagar CA - B7502101727359
914Virudhunagar DCA - A75021017251,356
107Vellore DCA A7412919,5290,356
1117Trichy DCA741291827761
1227Virudhunagar DCA - B7331917,5232,555
1316T Nagar CA - C7412917,5231,554
146Erode District CC7412917235,357
1519Coimbatore DCA A7412916,5242,556
1620Salem District CA7331916,5229,356
179Thiruvarur DCA741291625662
1810Miracle Masters Erode741291623255
195T Nagar CA - A7412915,525569
2011Isai Nila CA - B7331915,5252,860
2151Steel Chathurangam Salem7412915,5181,850
2225Riverside B, Kothagiri7322817219,553
2334N- Chathurangam Salem740381720853
2423Vellore DCA B7322816,5246,554
2521Sivagangai DCA7403815,5229,854
2632Coimbatore DCA B7403815,5168,850
2740Cuddalore District Chess Association-B7403815191,550
2836Knack Knackers Virudhunagar7403815161,349
2954Jai Senthil Raj- Erode7322813,517045
3031Cuddalore DCA-A7313716160,542
3122Kanchi DCA7313715,5174,849
3238SMK CA Vellore7313715,5174,349
3329Thiruvallur DCA7313715173,550
3424Isai Nila CA - A7313714,5206,854
3535Golden Knights B7313714172,555
3644Elite A-Salem7313714170,548
3748Sivakasi Chess Club731371414743
3828Chess World Hosur7232713,517646
3939Imaigal Chathurangam Salem723271317954
4043Namakkal DCA7313712145,347
4141Madurai District CA7313711160,553
4246Velammal Newgen Park A7304615,5156,344
4330King Makers Erode7223615181,348
4426Erode SARK7304614186,849
4559Velammal Newgen Park C7304613,595,335
4642Coimbatore DCA C7304613154,348
4749Sai Chess Erode722361315242
4845Coimbatore DCA F7304612,5136,346
4937Tiruvannamalai DCA7304612148,852
5033Rajapalayam Chess Club7304612139,851
5163Viluppuram DCA B7223612138,843
5253Coimbatore DCA E7223611,515448
5352Miracle Students Erode7223611,510641
5455Riverside A, Kothagiri721451381,537
5557Velammal Vidyalaya Theni7214512,59740
5661Senthur Chathurangam7214512129,840
5766Coimbatore DCA G721451111542
5815Master's Chathurangam Salem6213510137,542
5947Coimbatore DCA D7214510110,346
6056Brilliant Queens72145106238
6160Velammal Newgen Park B7124411105,540
6264Elite B-Salem7043410,5119,540
6367CCF -CBE7124410,5116,838
6450Dindigul DCA720549,568,838
6558TN Braille CA712448,565,836
6665Salem Chathurangam7205478734
6769Fire FIDEs Erode7124443936
6862Velammal Newgen Park D71153540,533
6970Rams1 Chathurangam Salem71153447,537
7071Sri Aurobindo Meera MHSS7115343335
7168Erode College711533,542,332

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break
Tie Break4: Sum Of Matchpoints (variabel)