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Finale du championnat national individuel 2015

Darrera actualització07.02.2015 14:08:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Algerian+C1552

Llista del rànquing inicial

8GMHaddouche Mohamed7900660ALG2524SPORTING
5IMBelouadah Saad7900856ALG2330ASSN
12FMOussedik Mahfoud7901810ALG2193OMSE
10IMNassr Ali7900520ALG2170EST
4FMBengherabi Khalil7900325ALG2145ASSN
2Cherrad Mustapha7903499ALG2115SEDIKIA
1FMSaim Mohamed Ilias7900465ALG2088EL HILLAL
3IMDekar Lies7900066ALG2061AKOUAS
9Gourari Moustafa7901305ALG2051ASSN
11Khalef Eladel7901984ALG2048BATNA
7Moulay Mehdi7901097ALG2026EL HILLAL
6Amellal Sofiane Anis7902581ALG1953OMSE