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AUT STMK 0809 Landesliga

Last update 22.04.2009 07:26:48, Creator/Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team123456789101112 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Frauental * 557209281
2ESV Austria Graz * 555667657209189
3SK Leoben * 535551,5188398
4TSV Hartberg3 * 45544544117167
5Spg. Alpine Raiffaisen Trofaiach Niklasd34 * 455443,5117189
6Styria Graz Kleine Zeitung334 * 443,587075
7SK SPK Fürstenfeld353 * 526443117076
8Pinggau-Friedberg334343 * 6340,566781
9Spg. Feldbach/Kirchberg24362 * 543866342
10SK Maschinenhof Krieglach2323 * 37,586269
11SPK Leibnitz1345 * 37,576297
12Spg. Holz Dohr - Semriach244 * 3566056

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: Board Tie-Breaks of the whole tournament