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Moscow-Open 2015 A

Last update 08.02.2015 17:28:08, Creator/Last Upload: Moscow chess federation

Player overview for ESP

2GMVallejo Pons Francisco2706ESP1½11½½½1173103,90Open A
252De Luna Butz Alberto1809ESP00100½1½0328120-20,40Open C

Results of the last round for ESP

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
932GMVallejo Pons Francisco27066 1 - 06 GMPonkratov Pavel262017
9130278Kryukov Daniil16833 1 - 03 De Luna Butz Alberto1809252

Player details for ESP

GM Vallejo Pons Francisco 2706 ESP Rp:2730 Pts. 7
1124FMRozhko Dmitry2354RUS3,5w 1101,10
275IMSychev Klementy2414RUS6s ½10-3,50
3161FMPalachev Petr2300RUS6s 1100,80
441IMFirat Burak2486TUR4,5w 1102,20
533GMPridorozhni Aleksei2545RUS6w ½10-2,10
69GMGrachev Boris2670RUS6,5s ½10-0,50
715GMKhairullin Ildar2629RUS6,5w ½10-1,10
825GMKazhgaleyev Murtas2573KAZ5s 1103,20
917GMPonkratov Pavel2620RUS6w 1103,80
De Luna Butz Alberto 1809 ESP Rp:1552 Pts. 3
187Kutsanyan Andranik2109UKR6s 020-3,00
275Mkrtchyan Sargis R.2126ARM5,5w 020-2,60
3307Bogdanov Ivan0RUS2s 1
4162Tsoi Dmitry1969RUS5,5w 020-5,80
5325Samsalieva Nazgul0KGZ2s 0
6293Seip Theo1609NED2w ½20-5,20
7292Dambiev Fedor1613RUS3s 1205,00
8154Sergeev Andrey1984RUS3,5w ½204,60
9278Kryukov Daniil1683RUS4s 020-13,40