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Piet Robbertse 2015 - Prestige Section

Last update 01.02.2015 18:00:44, Creator/Last Upload: Maryka Lategan

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Starting rank list

1IMMakoto Rodwell11000120ZIM2327
2IMJohannes Manyedi Mabusela14300702RSA2244
3Masango Spencer14300753ZIM2146
4Mthunzi Brighton14311054RSA2096
5Mwale Joseph16400135MAW2094
6Hercules Benjamin Vincent14301938RSA2086
7CMBezuidenhout Roland14304562RSA2084
8Van Der Westhuizen Willem14309408RSA2078
9Du Plessis Heinco14306263RSA2029
10Masungwini Michael T14308231RSA1995
11CMBornheim Craig14300370RSA1992
12Wilken Justin14301431RSA1991
13Meintjes Jacques C.14303108RSA1971
14Nelson Jaco14300400RSA1962
15Nel Andre14308509RSA1940
16Ponelis Albert A.14302918RSA1935
17Nene Themba14306760RSA1932
18Katema Patrick11000473ZIM1912
19Ristovich Dmitar S.14305968RSA1904
20Hoek Cornelis14307693RSA1900
21Chettiar Evasan14305283RSA1886
22Matseme Tshepo14309394RSA1883
23Tshetlo Tshepo14311070RSA1833
24Solo Muzenda14304554RSA1821
25De Klerk Hendri14304821RSA1770
26Khanyile Wanda14307790RSA1745
27Maredi Alex14318288RSA1734
28Sadie Johan Jacobus Hendrik14315807RSA1692
29Marais Daniel14309440RSA1638
30Grobbelaar Jacqui14307650RSA1509
31Mnguni Jakob14320908RSA1879
32Marais Charles14320894RSA1738
33Menyuku Boitumelo14320916RSA1606