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Fase Previa Territorial Valles Occidental s.16 - cadet

Last update 07.03.2015 22:26:08, Creator/Last Upload: Miquel Fernandez-Diaz Mascort

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Starting rank list

1Jimenez Ruano Adrian20725CAT2128P.E.Cerdanyola
2Alves Garcia Eric21516CAT2074Cultura Badia
3Baltasar Diaz Vicente21642CAT2005Barbera Valles
4Boixader Arbo Xavier23701CAT1970SC Colon Sabadell
5Blesa Puig Pau22157CAT1865P.E.Cerdanyola
6Borges de Clasca Pol21235CAT1839P.E.Cerdanyola
7Barrancos Moral Manuel Andres28374CAT1700Rubi
8Cid Salmeron Jaume24711CAT1700Terrassa
9Moreno Serrano Manel23947CAT1700Cultura Badia
10Romero Lozano Patxi24289CAT1700Ripollet