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81º Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto - Fase Final 2014

Last update 26.01.2015 11:53:45, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

Starting rank list of players

9GMLeitao Rafael2101246BRA26362527
3GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag2107660BRA25652517
10GMEl Debs Felipe De Cresce2106981BRA25122444
5FMMendonca Mateus Nakajo2110954BRA24262349
4FMReis Paulo F. Jatoba De Olivei2103290BRA23872319
7FMRodrigues Edgar2107090BRA23382296
11IMMacedo Maximo Iack2109972BRA23232294
12FMUmetsubo Cesar Hidemitsu2103400BRA23112328
2FMBrito Luismar2100134BRA22542249
1FMAndrade Roberto Luiz Costa2101521BRA22162171
8FMCavalcanti Francisco De Assis2100142BRA21512161
6Fiaes Mario Henrique Andrade2108690BRA21512091