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The 2015 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival - Masters

Last update 05.02.2015 17:50:46, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for BUL

1GMTopalov Veselin2800BUL1½1110½1½17,55Masters
10GMCheparinov Ivan2681BUL1101½11½½06,527Masters
62GMStefanova Antoaneta2515BUL1110½010116,539Masters
150Janev Pavel2196BUL10011½½½015,595Masters
11Janev Pavel2196BUL11001321Challenger A
10Janev Pavel2196BUL111½14,51Challenger B

Results of the last round for BUL

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
51411Janev Pavel21962 1 - 0 Odeh Kenneth198254
538FMScharrer Patrick2231 0 - 1 Janev Pavel219610
10420GMBartel Mateusz2631 0 - 1 GMTopalov Veselin28001
10910GMCheparinov Ivan2681 0 - 1 GMAdhiban B.263021
1035107GMPaehtz Thomas2365 0 - 1 GMStefanova Antoaneta251562
1067150Janev Pavel2196 1 - 0 IMPovah Nigel E2324118

Player details for BUL

Janev Pavel 2196 BUL Rp:2145 Pts. 3
149Nwoye Nnamdi2015NGR2w 1
251Nilsen Martin2011NOR2s 1
31FMMenna Barreto Felipe Kubiaki2247BRA3,5s 0
433CMOsuna Vega Enrique2108ESP3w 0
554Odeh Kenneth1982NGR2,5w 1
Janev Pavel 2196 BUL Rp:2465 Pts. 4,5
155Isherwood Paul2002ENG3s 1
242Van Dongen Edwin2036NED2,5w 1
356Berrocal Ruiz Valentin1986ESP4s 1
47Ibarra Jerez Juan Miguel2238ESP3,5w ½
58FMScharrer Patrick2231ITA3,5s 1
GM Topalov Veselin 2800 BUL Rp:2747 Pts. 7,5
1132FMSanchez Jerez Emilio Miguel2282ESP4,5w 1
264GMDebashis Das2503IND6s ½
3119FMGuerrero Vargas Andres2320VEN5w 1
440GMStefansson Hannes2573ISL5w 1
527GMAnton Guijarro David2617ESP6,5s 1
62GMNakamura Hikaru2776USA8,5s 0
728GMLenderman Aleksandr2614USA6,5w ½
847GMJu Wenjun2547CHN6,5s 1
912GMWei Yi2675CHN7,5w ½
1020GMBartel Mateusz2631POL6,5s 1
GM Cheparinov Ivan 2681 BUL Rp:2618 Pts. 6,5
1133FMBuchal Stephan2273GER4,5s 1
274IMSmith Axel2483SWE6w 1
351GMLalith Babu M.R.2537IND6,5s 0
488IMMkrtchian Lilit2449ARM6w 1
564GMDebashis Das2503IND6s ½
662GMStefanova Antoaneta2515BUL6,5w 1
745GMOparin Grigoriy2551RUS6,5s 1
87GMHarikrishna P.2723IND7,5w ½
992IMNakar Eylon2419ISR6,5s ½
1021GMAdhiban B.2630IND7,5w 0
GM Stefanova Antoaneta 2515 BUL Rp:2539 Pts. 6,5
1188Verneuil Pascal2093FRA4w 1
2220Adewole Adeyinka1962NGR2s 1
318GMEdouard Romain2638FRA6,5w 1
421GMAdhiban B.2630IND7,5w 0
523GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2628ESP6,5s ½
610GMCheparinov Ivan2681BUL6,5s 0
7119FMGuerrero Vargas Andres2320VEN5w 1
820GMBartel Mateusz2631POL6,5s 0
9115IMBellin Robert2338ENG5,5w 1
10107GMPaehtz Thomas2365GER5,5s 1
Janev Pavel 2196 BUL Rp:2371 Pts. 5,5
1236Curado Manuel Joao Ferro1860POR3,5w 1
269IMGeorgiadis Nico2490SUI5,5s 0
367IMSvane Rasmus2496GER5,5w 0
4212Green Per1996SWE4s 1
596GMSolomon Kenny2399RSA5s 1
680IMAdla Diego2469ARG5,5w ½
782IMKjartansson Gudmundur2468ISL6s ½
890GMNeelotpal Das2437IND5,5w ½
993IMNagy Gabor2410HUN5,5s 0
10118IMPovah Nigel E2324ENG4,5w 1