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Digicel National Championship 2015 Kingston, Jamaica

Last update 08.02.2015 18:00:33, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

Starting rank list of players

3FMELLIOTT Warren7400179JAM2240
12FMDAVY Damion7400519JAM2177
6CMLORNE Malaku7400330JAM2113
10CMWILSON Brandon7400500JAM2099
4NMSMITH Shreyas7400713JAM2086
2CMPORTER Russel7400195JAM2082
9NMMELLACE Andrew7400055JAM2064
1NMWISDOM Daren7400438JAM1985
7NMMYERS Peter7400306JAM1984
5WILKINSON Ian7400101JAM1889
8CAMPBELL Kevron7400853JAM1841
11WCMSMITH Melisha7400691JAM1797