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Open Bois-Gentil 2015

Last update 12.03.2015 20:59:30, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Genevoise des Echecs

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Starting rank list

1SCHMID Pablo1315730SUI2163Genиve Bois-Gentil
2CESAREO Fabio1302078SUI2133Genиve Echiquier Romand
3BAGRI Jaspaul1307347SUI2131Genиve Bois-Gentil
4KUPALOV Igor1310925SUI2109Genиve Bois-Gentil
5SULJEVIC Elvis1333801SUI2018Genиve Cavaliers Fous C.E.C.F.
6MULLHAUPT Philippe1303945SUI1964Genиve Bois-Gentil
7HARIZ Haissam1331450SUI1928Genиve Echiquier Romand
8DELMONICO Nils1314475SUI1923Genиve Club
9BARBOSA Paulo1904612POR1906Genиve Ville
10DEGOVE Christophe1306278SUI1829Genиve Amateurs Caeg
11SCHAERER Marc1309129SUI1815Genиve Bois-Gentil
12VIVIANI Mario1317806SUI1803Genиve Bois-Gentil
13NAWROCKI Bronislaw1312022SUI1783Genиve Bois-Gentil
14LESQUEREUX Nicolas1331159SUI1783Genиve Cavaliers Fous C.E.C.F.
15OBRADOVIC Goran36059030FRA1773
16SCHAERER Marie-Anne1314343SUI1748Genиve Bois-Gentil
17WEHRLI Tobias1333364SUI1737Genиve Bois-Gentil
18MONNARD Daniel1303880SUI1710
19CORBAT Philippe1331914SUI1637Genиve Ville
20CHAMPOUD Gilles1327720SUI1520Genиve Club