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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for SRB

36GMIvanisevic Ivan2638SRB1½½1½½½0½11740
95GMIndjic Aleksandar2546SRB1½00101½½½½5,5149
160WGMManakova Maria2318SRB010010110015179

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMTer-Sahakyan SamvelARM25806 0 - 16 GMIvanisevic IvanSRB2638
GMIndjic AleksandarSRB25465 ½ - ½5 IMPetenyi TamasSVK2428
Tifferet ShakedISR20014 0 - 14 WGMManakova MariaSRB2318

Player details for SRB

GM Ivanisevic Ivan 2638 SRB Rp:2621 Pts. 7
1161FMAharon Ofir2311ISR5s 1
295GMIndjic Aleksandar2546SRB5,5w ½
397GMBoruchovsky Avital2536ISR6s ½
4105GMBaron Tal2510ISR5,5w 1
5109GMGodena Michele2502ITA5,5s ½
673GMBrkic Ante2586CRO7,5w ½
788GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR6s ½
889GMKravtsiv Martyn2565UKR7w 0
9107IMBarnaure Vlad-Victor2508ROU5s ½
10112IMSadzikowski Daniel2492POL5,5w 1
1179GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2580ARM6s 1
GM Indjic Aleksandar 2546 SRB Rp:2347 Pts. 5,5
1221Shohat Yotam1903ISR4,5w 1
236GMIvanisevic Ivan2638SRB7s ½
330GMSmirin Ilia2650ISR7,5w 0
4154IMSoltanici Ruslan2350MDA5,5s 0
5166Fischer Sebastian2256GER5w 1
6137IMFerreira Jorge Viterbo2427POR5,5s 0
7219Adar Idan1912ISR4,5w 1
8131GMGruenfeld Yehuda2444ISR5s ½
9146FMReshef Omer2402ISR5,5w ½
10145IMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2402ROU6s ½
11136IMPetenyi Tamas2428SVK5,5w ½
WGM Manakova Maria 2318 SRB Rp:2087 Pts. 5
135GMPopov Ivan2639RUS7,5s 0
2220Landa Alex1905ISR3,5w 1
373GMBrkic Ante2586CRO7,5s 0
4201Zak Arad2061ISR5w 0
5236Vaturi Eden1798ISR4,5s 1
6218Iliaguev Nisim1926ISR4,5w 0
7199IMChubar Vladimir2066UKR4s 1
8237Gabizon Eyal1760ISR5,5w 1
9116IMKjartansson Gudmundur2484ISL5,5s 0
10189Pogosian Vladimir2124ARM6w 0
11205Tifferet Shaked2001ISR4s 1