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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for SLO

49GMBeliavsky Alexander G2623SLO11½½½½001½16,555

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMBeliavsky Alexander GSLO2623 1 - 0 GMRasulov VugarAZE2508

Player details for SLO

GM Beliavsky Alexander G 2623 SLO Rp:2606 Pts. 6,5
1174Gamayev Oleg2204ISR5,5w 1
2104GMSivuk Vitaly2517UKR5s 1
374GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2586GEO6,5w ½
43GMEljanov Pavel2727UKR7,5s ½
55GMBacrot Etienne2711FRA7w ½
62GMVitiugov Nikita2735RUS7s ½
786GMEsen Baris2571TUR6w 0
8108GMKlein David2505NED5,5s 0
9140Sarana Alexey2419RUS5,5w 1
10121IMYuffa Daniil2469RUS5,5s ½
11106GMRasulov Vugar2508AZE5,5w 1