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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for MDA

68GMSvetushkin Dmitry2592MDA1½½1½½½01½½6,546
70GMIordachescu Viorel2590MDA½1½½½011½½½6,571
152FMIovcov Valerii2368MDA½10½0101½½½5,5121
154IMSoltanici Ruslan2350MDA½011½½001015,5130

Results of the last round for MDA

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMVallejo Pons FranciscoESP27066 ½ - ½6 GMSvetushkin DmitryMDA2592
GMIordachescu ViorelMDA25906 ½ - ½6 GMGajewski GrzegorzPOL2646
GMBaron TalISR25105 ½ - ½5 FMIovcov ValeriiMDA2368
IMSoltanici RuslanMDA2350 1 - 0 Kraus YairISR2129

Player details for MDA

GM Svetushkin Dmitry 2592 MDA Rp:2631 Pts. 6,5
1193FMDrori Dan2104ISR4s 1
2140Sarana Alexey2419RUS5,5w ½
34GMNepomniachtchi Ian2714RUS7s ½
4132GMKantsler Boris2435ISR5,5w 1
523GMHowell David W L2663ENG6,5s ½
625GMAkopian Vladimir2660ARM6,5w ½
729GMMamedov Rauf2650AZE7s ½
819GMLaznicka Viktor2670CZE7,5w 0
9118IMBatsiashvili Nino2475GEO6s 1
102GMVitiugov Nikita2735RUS7w ½
116GMVallejo Pons Francisco2706ESP6,5s ½
GM Iordachescu Viorel 2590 MDA Rp:2527 Pts. 6,5
1195Zlatin Alexander2086ISR4,5s ½
2207Poleg Dan1992ISR3,5w 1
36GMVallejo Pons Francisco2706ESP6,5s ½
4134IMDraskovic Luka2432MNE6,5w ½
5111IMRaznikov Danny2494ISR5,5s ½
6124IMSanal Vahap2460TUR6w 0
7136IMPetenyi Tamas2428SVK5,5s 1
8116IMKjartansson Gudmundur2484ISL5,5w 1
99GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2692UKR7s ½
1024GMSaric Ivan2661CRO6,5s ½
1132GMGajewski Grzegorz2646POL6,5w ½
FM Iovcov Valerii 2368 MDA Rp:2483 Pts. 5,5
127GMNisipeanu Liviu-Dieter2654GER7,5s ½
229GMMamedov Rauf2650AZE7w 1
355GMPantsulaia Levan2615GEO6,5s 0
489GMKravtsiv Martyn2565UKR7w ½
577GMBanusz Tamas2582HUN6,5s 0
6201Zak Arad2061ISR5w 1
796GMBabula Vlastimil2545CZE6w 0
8200Kerner Michael2063ISR4s 1
990GMTimofeev Artyom2564RUS5,5w ½
10109GMGodena Michele2502ITA5,5s ½
11105GMBaron Tal2510ISR5,5s ½
IM Soltanici Ruslan 2350 MDA Rp:2410 Pts. 5,5
129GMMamedov Rauf2650AZE7s ½
239GMBartel Mateusz2631POL8w 0
3238Samarin Leonid1748ISR2,5s 1
495GMIndjic Aleksandar2546SRB5,5w 1
583GMMichalik Peter2576SVK6,5s ½
687GMHansen Sune Berg2571DEN5,5w ½
789GMKravtsiv Martyn2565UKR7w 0
8100GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2529RUS5,5s 0
9196Aronin Pavel2085MNC3,5w 1
10115GMNeverov Valeriy2485UKR6,5s 0
11188Kraus Yair2129ISR4,5w 1