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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for FRA

5GMBacrot Etienne2711FRA½1½1½½1½½½½732
123IMBattaglini Gabriel2460FRA101½0½½10½05162

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMGrandelius NilsSWE2609 ½ - ½ GMBacrot EtienneFRA2711
Pogosian VladimirARM21245 1 - 05 IMBattaglini GabrielFRA2460

Player details for FRA

GM Bacrot Etienne 2711 FRA Rp:2683 Pts. 7
1130IMForster Richard2446SUI6s ½
2136IMPetenyi Tamas2428SVK5,5w 1
359GMZubov Alexander2607UKR6,5s ½
479GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2580ARM6w 1
549GMBeliavsky Alexander G2623SLO6,5s ½
646GMVan Kampen Robin2626NED6,5w ½
767GMIpatov Alexander2592TUR7,5s 1
865GMShimanov Aleksandr2594RUS6w ½
925GMAkopian Vladimir2660ARM6,5s ½
1047GMKempinski Robert2625POL7,5w ½
1157GMGrandelius Nils2609SWE7s ½
IM Battaglini Gabriel 2460 FRA Rp:2330 Pts. 5
1248Duek Lior0ISR1,5s 1
271GMVovk Yuri2588UKR7,5w 0
3185Ben-Natan Yigal2138ISR4,5s 1
461GMPotkin Vladimir2605RUS6w ½
557GMGrandelius Nils2609SWE7s 0
6161FMAharon Ofir2311ISR5w ½
7167Zisman Philip2238ISR5,5s ½
891GMMikhalevski Victor2559ISR5w 1
979GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2580ARM6s 0
10169FMGershkowich David2227ISR5,5w ½
11189Pogosian Vladimir2124ARM6s 0