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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for CRO

24GMSaric Ivan2661CRO½10½11½10½½6,565
41GMKozul Zdenko2630CRO½11½½0½1011744
73GMBrkic Ante2586CRO1011½½½½1½17,522

Results of the last round for CRO

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMKuzubov YuriyUKR2667 0 - 1 GMBrkic AnteCRO2586
GMDuda Jan-KrzysztofPOL25916 ½ - ½6 GMSaric IvanCRO2661
GMKozul ZdenkoCRO26306 1 - 06 GMEsen BarisTUR2571

Player details for CRO

GM Saric Ivan 2661 CRO Rp:2589 Pts. 6,5
1149IMBitensky Igor2384ISR5s ½
2151FMFaizrakhmanov Ramil2371RUS6w 1
383GMMichalik Peter2576SVK6,5s 0
4126IMDamaso Rui2451POR5,5w ½
5138IMSipila Vilka2425FIN4,5s 1
6111IMRaznikov Danny2494ISR5,5w 1
773GMBrkic Ante2586CRO7,5s ½
887GMHansen Sune Berg2571DEN5,5w 1
93GMEljanov Pavel2727UKR7,5s 0
1070GMIordachescu Viorel2590MDA6,5w ½
1169GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2591POL6,5s ½
GM Kozul Zdenko 2630 CRO Rp:2559 Pts. 7
1166Fischer Sebastian2256GER5w ½
2164FMErenberg Ariel2278ISR4s 1
3102GMAbasov Nijat2523AZE5,5w 1
484GMStefansson Hannes2573ISL6,5s ½
5127WGMGoryachkina Aleksandra2451RUS6,5w ½
6139FMKantarji Pinchas2420ISR6,5s 0
7112IMSadzikowski Daniel2492POL5,5w ½
8141Mikaelyan Arman2418ARM5,5s 1
992GMCan Emre2555TUR7,5w 0
10114IMFirat Burak2486TUR5,5s 1
1186GMEsen Baris2571TUR6w 1
GM Brkic Ante 2586 CRO Rp:2663 Pts. 7,5
1198Nareznoy David2069ISR3,5w 1
2125IMKanmazalp Ogulcan2457TUR5,5s 0
3160WGMManakova Maria2318SRB5w 1
4131GMGruenfeld Yehuda2444ISR5s 1
534GMDreev Aleksey2643RUS6,5w ½
636GMIvanisevic Ivan2638SRB7s ½
724GMSaric Ivan2661CRO6,5w ½
840GMHracek Zbynek2631CZE6s ½
932GMGajewski Grzegorz2646POL6,5w 1
1025GMAkopian Vladimir2660ARM6,5w ½
1121GMKuzubov Yuriy2667UKR6,5s 1