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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for BUL

12GMCheparinov Ivan2681BUL½1½½½1½1½1½7,517
50GMGeorgiev Kiril2623BUL10100101½½16107

Results of the last round for BUL

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMNavara DavidCZE2735 ½ - ½7 GMCheparinov IvanBUL2681
IMNakar EylonISR24355 0 - 15 GMGeorgiev KirilBUL2623

Player details for BUL

GM Cheparinov Ivan 2681 BUL Rp:2707 Pts. 7,5
1136IMPetenyi Tamas2428SVK5,5s ½
2130IMForster Richard2446SUI6w 1
363GMMarin Mihail2603ROU6s ½
491GMMikhalevski Victor2559ISR5w ½
588GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR6s ½
693GMKogan Artur2555ISR5w 1
771GMVovk Yuri2588UKR7,5s ½
853GMDemchenko Anton2615RUS6w 1
965GMShimanov Aleksandr2594RUS6s ½
1051GMBukavshin Ivan2622RUS7w 1
111GMNavara David2735CZE8s ½
GM Georgiev Kiril 2623 BUL Rp:2405 Pts. 6
1175Katzir Moshe2196ISR4,5s 1
2109GMGodena Michele2502ITA5,5w 0
3148FMKalka Arkadius Georg2389GER5s 1
4122IMYilmazyerli Mert2465TUR5,5w 0
5140Sarana Alexey2419RUS5,5s 0
6171FMZalkind Konstantin2222ISR5w 1
7134IMDraskovic Luka2432MNE6,5s 0
8179Slonimskij Arkadij2176RUS4,5w 1
9143FMKobo Ori2410ISR5,5s ½
10142IMUsmanov Vasily2414RUS5,5w ½
11133IMNakar Eylon2435ISR5s 1